New Spoons for Sale


What was once a solution to a problem has now become a project in it’s own right!

Spoons that I particularly liked I used to increase the price so that they’d stay on the shelf for longer. The problem was despite the increased price they kept selling first , and I felt embarrassed to just keep increasing the price, so I started carving words on them to put people off, such as “plank” or “battery”, it seems a bit silly but I really like it.

So these spoons are now going to be offered online in an attempt to encourage me to use my website!! I expect them to be around once a week. Each spoon will be a one off in as much as I consider them particularly special and that each one will have a different word or phrase which I won’t carve onto another spoon again, that along with the videos should create a nice archive of my work.

Barnaby Carder