last orders at the bar...n

Sorry for the crap joke,

Thanks for all the spoon orders and the wonderful feedback, selling spoons is a fantastic way of life and i am very grateful to those of you that have bought spoons online for making it such a pleasant experience, i now have spoons in Australia, South Africa, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, Germany, Itlay, Spain, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, India, China, America, Canada.  I am very pleased that at least half of my sales are repeat orders so i must be doing something right. It won't be long now until i will be roaming free, like some giant wild spoon carver, so i'm afraid no more orders, i may well be selling online again come Autumn.

If anyone is desperate for a spoon then you can try and persuade me, but expect a no.

The weather recently has been amazing and has made me realise quite how soon i will be back on the road again, still a little time to shed some of my winter coat! (i hope).

My true calling is street selling spoons, i often get emails from people wanting to know where i am so they can come and buy a spoon but don't like telling them, sorry if this seems funny, but a large part of what i do is based around the freedom of not needing to be anywhere and it just wouldn't work for me. I won't be posting Journal style about where i am during the summer but will no doubt be putting some crap up here! hopefully photos of spoons too.

If you a keen to get a spoon in person i am more than happy for you to turn up at the end of one of my courses, as a rule i don't do "shows" unless it's for friends but i shall be at the Bodgers Ball which is the Pole Lathe associations annual get together, the APF show with the bodgers, and of course Spoonfest.

Bring on the Summer!

ps if you saw the hilarious interview in the Guardian Fashion section you'll be glad to know i've got some new trousers! Emily Stein (the photographer) saw me in a newsagent in London and said i looked amazing (she has a thing for funny looking people) and that she would love to photograph me, Emily emailed me several times over the last year and half and i finally gave in not least to entertain my new young friends in Bristol. The interview was done over the phone lasted around 45 minutes and was condensed into Becky's own words.
Barn the Spoon